Monday, January 27, 2020

When Fathers Fall

They are meant to safeguard
To secure
To save.

They can't make a flaw
Or fumble
Or fail.

We look on to them
For our past
And for what is to be.

They are our superheroes
With no hammers
Or shields.

Fathers can't break
Can't sob
Can't shake.

Come war or winter
Their embrace
Should remain.

They are made of flesh and blood
But we forget
We just entrust.

And that's why the world
Crumbles down
When great Fathers fall.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Why love me the same?
When you witness my demons
from my camouflage, peep.
When even pretty sights
makes me weep.

Why want me still?
When myself, and everything
I long to kill.
When I disappear
just to instill fear.

Why hug me close?
My stinky demeanor
with matted hair.
Stubbly limbs
with no upkeep!

Why choose to stay?
When I only destroy,
When I stray?
When I strangely behave
Like a child, lost its way?

From your heavenly clouds,
could you step down
Hide your halo and your wings
Unmask your resolve, steely -
and reveal what you feel?

Stop claiming me,
and blame me, for pretense.
Stop forgiving
and deprive me, hence.
Angelic soul, be human for once!

Monday, January 13, 2020


Don't look for me my dears,
When I'm gone

A bit of soul searching
And self love to be found

It might be a while
It might not be so long

Until then, world -
Begone! Begone!

Sunday, January 12, 2020


There is no
There is you.
There is me.
And then,
there's them.

There's you
with them.
There's me
with them.
There's us,
with them.

But there's no
without them.
They won't let

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Give Me Some Sunshine

I am someone who never
looks at the moon

Call me unromantic
Call me a fool

The moon hides slyly
All through the day

And then slides in slowly
At night to show its face

Reminds me of shy lovers
Keeping from public gaze

Yet ogling at each other
All through the day

They rush into outstretched arms
As moonlight comes in play

With the tiniest glimpse of the crimson dawn
They quickly break embrace

I'd rather follow the unforgiving sun
Who brightens up our days

Whose warmth can get you cozy
Whose heat can burn you away

Who shines through all our glories,
Through our miseries, our disgrace

But come hay, hail or mighty rains
Like me, it finds its way!

Friday, January 10, 2020


I don't write to compete
I write to mute
The demons
within me

Once out,
They subside for a while
Resurfacing at
my most vulnerable times.

I'm in it now
This constant battlefield
Some days I bleed
Some days, succeed.

Which is it?

What would you rather see
My cleavage?
Or my soul?

Where would you rather be
Between my thighs?
Or where, my smile, you can see?

Why would you want to remain
To make me scream?
Or build my dreams?

How would you want to stay
Scoring limits breached?
Or always within reach?

What would you want to say
Babe, free tonight?
Or, you are a treat for sore eyes?

Why would you come again
Because you are lonely?
Or because I am easy?

Thursday, January 9, 2020

New Year Wish

I wish -
I started early,
wearing lipsticks deep red.

I wish
growing up,
more sleeveless dresses I wore. 

I wish
more often I used
dirty cuss words too! 

I wish
I had decked up 
a bit more frequently. 

I wish I felt
more sure about
my little self.

And knew I was pretty, 
with brown eyes 
and a dimpled smile. 

I wish my first kiss
was not
so delayed.

I wish
I made love,
as a young maid. 

I wish on myself,
I had spent!

I wish 
I didn't long
for validation from them.

I wish...
Oh, I wish
if I weren't so late! 

And wish
I didn't have
so much regrets, off-late! 

I wish
I'd live my life better
in the coming decade!


I'm not the ship

I am the anchor

I stay grounded

While I let you float.