Sunday, September 3, 2017


"If only she were more patient",
a dad complains,
visibly impatient that his newspaper is late.

"No other courses to take?"
the mother joins in,
undecided on what breakfast to make.

"Children these days!",
laments the grandpa,
still bitter that grandma doesn't make coffee his way.

"Someone's misguided her. It's not fair!",
the thirty year old,
whose father still dictates what he should wear.

"Wait until next year, she wasn't too old",
the teenager,
fussy that his FB page won't load.

"Poor little girl! There's more to life!",
the dead gatekeepers to funeral pyres.

A child is dead. We killed her dreams.
Let's not debate if she did it right to leave.

Let's unite to resolve, so children can believe ~
That the torch bearers ahead, have left some light indeed.

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