Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Why love me the same?
When you witness my demons
from my camouflage, peep.
When even pretty sights
makes me weep.

Why want me still?
When myself, and everything
I long to kill.
When I disappear
just to instill fear.

Why hug me close?
My stinky demeanor
with matted hair.
Stubbly limbs
with no upkeep!

Why choose to stay?
When I only destroy,
When I stray?
When I strangely behave
Like a child, lost its way?

From your heavenly clouds,
could you step down
Hide your halo and your wings
Unmask your resolve, steely -
and reveal what you feel?

Stop claiming me,
and blame me, for pretense.
Stop forgiving
and deprive me, hence.
Angelic soul, be human for once!

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